Everyone wants to treat their small four-legged pet well. Maintaining your dog’s health, cleanliness, and happiness includes giving them a good grooming routine. While some individuals prefer to take care of things at home, others prefer to have their dogs professionally groomed. Whatever you decide, it’s critical to understand how to properly groom your dog. Understanding the things you must never do when it comes to dog grooming is also crucial. Continue reading for our top five advice if you’re unsure of what you should and shouldn’t do when it comes to grooming your dog.
1. Washing the Inside of Your Dog’s Ears
Your dog’s ears could be fairly susceptible to pollution depending on their race. Small soil and other flotsam and jetsam particles can enter your dog’s ear canal as they start their day and, if they aren’t removed, can lead to the development of wax and even illness.
Numerous owners wrongly attempt to clean their dog’s ears at home, utilizing cotton balls or Q-tips.
However, this can do more harm than good because the cotton balls themselves can harbor bacteria and you can surely injure your dog’s ear canal by exerting a lot of pressure. Given that you’ll need to take your dog to the vet right away to treat the sickness, this is the worst possible consequence.
Other inexperienced dog owners might try to wash their dog’s ears with water, which is also a bad idea. Water can make things worse since it will wash away the protective wax, leaving the ear trench more vulnerable to infection.
How to Do It Correctly:
Take your dog to an experienced groomer who has experience cleaning ears rather than attempting to clean your dog’s ears yourself. They will damage no one while carefully and properly removing all junks.
The dog is necessary for the repetition. Some dogs only need their ears cleaned once a month, while others, like Newfoundlands and Cocker Spaniels, may need it done more frequently. When it’s crucial, you’ll be able to tell because your dog’s ears will start to smell bad or wax traces may start to appear.
2. Giving Your Dog a Quick Rinse
Your dog’s coat will undoubtedly become dirty after each walk. However, many dog owners regrettably give their dogs a quick flush before taking them inside, believing this will be sufficient to get rid of them.
In any case, a quick flush isn’t nearly enough to completely remove the dirt and muck from your dog’s hide because it could do more harm than good! First of all, repeatedly cleaning your dog’s coat might cause dry skin. Your pet’s coat may already be on the dry side, which will make the problem worse and cause chipping or tingling.
Anytime you wash your dog, a quick flush won’t be sufficient to fully clean them. The majority of dog shampoos are designed to remove dirt, filth, and odor, but they must be thoroughly rinsed off to be safe.
It’s terrible for two reasons if your dog’s hide has cleanser residue from a poor wash. It may cause skin problems because the cleanser is left on the skin or because the accumulation reacts with your pet’s coat. Second, it can attract dirt and debris that will stick to your dog’s moist coat.
How to Do It Correctly:
Trust the professionals with the washing! Locate a dog groomer who offers expert services and ask them to visit your house. In this way, you can be sure that your dog will be thoroughly and pleasantly washed and you won’t have to worry about your dog feeling uncomfortable.
3. Brushing a Wet Coat
Brushing a dog’s coat while it’s damp is another common mistake made by owners.
Given that the hide will be wet and sudsy and easier to brush, it could seem reasonable to do this. In any event, this is detrimental. When the coat is damp, the individual hairs are certain to tangle, and brushing them while they are wet will only make matters worse.

Your dog may experience discomfort and pain from this training as well because the brush’s strands will irritate their skin. In extreme circumstances, it may even result in hair loss.
How to Do It Correctly:
Prior to brushing your dog, let its coat completely dry off. It can take a bit longer, but it’s worth it to avoid the difficulty and discomfort of brushing a wet coat. To dry your dog’s hair, you can also use a brush.
4. Giving Your Dog Daily Baths
You might think that regularly bathing your dog will help to get rid of the smell and dirt that they pick up from playing in the dirt. However, this is not the case.
Your pet’s skin is typically slippery and needs a certain amount of oil to maintain healthy skin and a hide. Washing your skin often after using a lot of this oil might cause dryness, chipping, and tingling. In absurd situations, it may even be the cause of hair loss.
Dogs should only receive a full bath from a professional groomer once per month or as necessary. Any trash will be safely and effectively removed by the groomer without causing any harm.
How to Do It Correctly:
Try using an odor-removing cleanser or splash instead of giving your dog a daily shower. There are many DIY remedies that can assist in getting rid of offensive dog odors, such as vinegar arrangements or citrus showers.
5. Shaving Your Dog in Summer
Shaving your dog in the middle of the year is maybe the most absurd grooming mistake. Even though it seems cool overall, shaving your dog’s coat short will actually make him hotter! When a dog’s thick winter coat is removed in the middle of the year, they feel uncomfortable and warm. This extra hide serves as protection to keep them secure from the elements and regulate their temperature. Without it, dogs are more likely to experience heat stroke or sunburn. Shaving a dog in the summer also interferes with its natural cooling system because the dog’s hide helps to wick away perspiration and keep it cool.

Most owners shave their pet down to the skin because they have no concept what the difference is between an undercoat and an exterior coat. A thin, downy layer of hair that is close to the skin is known as an undercoat. This layer helps shield the dog from the infection while providing protection. A longer, coarser outside coat protects the dog from the elements.
As long as you are careful to avoid removing too much, brushing can safely remove hair from the undercoat.
How to Do It Correctly:
If you don’t have a solid clinical reason to do so, don’t shave your dog. If you want them to be cooler, you can try a variety of options, such as using a cooling handkerchief or keeping them indoors and as hydrated as you can possibly hope during the late spring months.
Last Thoughts
It can be difficult and stressful to groom your dog, especially if you are a beginner. It’s best to leave all of your grooming needs to trained professionals for the best results. Even though doing this may cost you money and time up front, it will prevent headaches (and possibly a trip to the vet) in the future.