How to Train a Cat | Commands Cats can Learn

Cat training is an extraordinary method for interfacing with your cat and teach them the significance of a couple of watchwords. If you are wanting to bring a cat into your family interestingly, you want to train your cat. Regardless of what you might think, it is feasible to train a cat, and training your cat can be helpful in lots of practical ways.


How to Train a Cat

Cats are intelligent animals that can be trained! If you track down the correct method for working with them, you can teach them ponders. Training your cat will assist them with being more social, less anxious and by and large more satisfied. Here is your “How to train a cat” guide with a couple of tips to kick you off on the excursion.

Train a Cat


Keep short training sessions

Cats stand out enough to be noticed ranges. A training meeting under 15 minutes is sufficiently long to achieve the objective however short to the point of keeping your cat focused. The objective ought to be progress, not flawlessness!


Remove distractions

A distracted cat can’t focus. Find a silent spot away from any pets and individuals from the family for your training meeting. Any foundation clamor can distract your cat, making the training meeting ineffective.


Positive Reinforcement

Focus on the conduct you need your cat to proceed instead of the conduct you need them to stop. Hollering, swatting, or showering your cat for undesirable way of behaving won’t be useful and your cat will probably stay away from you.


Use Treats

First off, cats need inspiration. Dissimilar to canines, cats will not be as invigorated and anxious to learn except if their prizes merit their time and energy. To dig into your training meetings, make certain to load up on their number one treats and flavorful cat food.


Include others

It is recommended for other family members and guests to be engaged with your training as well. Everybody should know what a definitive objective is and which strategy you’re utilizing. For instance, each individual who recognizes the cat scratching the couch needs to respond and apply a similar restorative estimation like you.


Train one skill in turn

While it is workable for cats to learn a couple of things at the same time, it is believed to be best to teach them one thing at that point. To be most extreme fruitful, permit your cat to dominate the individual target prior to continuing on to another one.


Never punish

Cats just will not learn from what a few proprietors would consider “discipline.” Worse yet, “punishing” your cat can prompt pressure, prompting social and medical conditions not something you need to manage in cat training.


Show Patience

Learning new ways of behaving or taking care of conduct issues takes time. Show restraint toward your cat while it’s learning another skill – they’re more than proficient and extremely intelligent.

Commands Cats can Learn


Commands that Cats can learn

Cats can learn a wide range of commands – to sit, to roll over, to shake a paw, to beg. Cats like to get things done in their own happy time, so to train them we should be truly persuaded, put away a few time or more all, show restraint. Remember, each cat will respond differently while training starts.



Cats can learn to come from the moment they enter your home. Pair positive encounters and the shake of a treat cup with “come.” To do this, put treats in a cup or compartment and shake and reward until your cat perceives the sound. Click and reward your cat when she shows up. Gradually increment the circumstance between saying “come” and shaking the treats until she comes on signal.



While helping the cat to sit, you might need to incorporate a hand signal as you provide the verbal command. Stand before your cat with your treat and clicker, say “sit” in a quiet and consistent voice and hold your hand upward in a stop sign. Each time your cat sits down when you do this, reward them with the treat and click the clicker.


Shake hands

This cat training is simpler than you could anticipate: Get a treat prepared, then adjust yourself to a similar level as your cat. Tap your cat’s paw while saying “shake,” and utilize your clicker when it moves its paw. Rehash training until your cat offers its paw because of the “shake” command without tapping.



This is similar to the “shake hands” stunt. Hold a treat simply over your cat’s head and give a “beg” command. Your pet should remain on its rear legs and reach up for the bite; click to check the way of behaving and afterward give your cat its treat. Practice until your cat begs on command without requiring a treat hung upward.

Picture of Riya Agarwal
Riya Agarwal
Riya Agarwal is an experienced content writer who loves animals. She is the proud owner of a Labrador, who she loves to take on long walks. Riya works hard to bring fresh and creative content to her clients, blending her knowledge and experience with her passion for animals. Riya is committed to creating content that sparks conversations and encourages readers to think more deeply about the world around them.

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